Chivalry – truth and nothingness
We live in times where universal human values and concepts able to describe them are vanishing. Often they seem lost or so changed in their core, that they are no longer adequate. In some cases values and concepts are so exposed to scorn, censorship, condemnation or attacked by political correctness, that they barely survive. Other times they are transformed into newspeak.
Using the concept of truth today is almost considered a mortal sin.
How dare you use that word? The truth does not exist!
Contemporary speech is nihilistic. When we all have our private relative version of reality, then all conversation will cease, and so will any coherence or depth. Something rules in a hidden layer, and everyone’s consciousness has become an atom. Paradoxically, everyone’s homemade construction of reality is amazingly similar to everyone else’s. Very few have formed a world view based on actual thinking and proper knowledge. So in a way, people are right when they claim that you can not talk about truth. They are talking about themselves, for they have abandoned any ambition for obtaining truth and have bought a prefabricated pseudo-truth in the nearest supermarket selling that stuff. We live on copy-paste-island.
When the ancients spoke the truth, so they meant a completed mindset. Truth is logically consistent. You can not achieve this consistency, if you have not completed your grammar (what-who-where-when), which is what is left out in the media presentation of events, the 2D reality of no purpose and no meaning which is: no thruth.
But the ancient, and actually our grand parents had something more than just logical consistancy in mind. They sought a correlation between the objective and the subjective, the outer and inner reality, where they had found a place in life and knew the purpose of place and life. I hear background voices saying: Well, in the good old days it was much easier, because the world was not so complicated. I will say to that: It is both right and wrong, and we may miss an important point. In the ‘good’ old days community supported coherence. Today society’s priority is the decrease of coherence.
When nihilist award his fatwah against the use of the concept of truth, it is because the word is a challenge to the mindset of nothingness. When inability to accept universal values in accordance with an inner truth/coherence and translate this into actions in the exterior, such an undertaking must become a prohibited area, as others may not therefore profess. Truth is deeply disturbing to a nihilistic world view. The nihilistic crusade is a warfare against everything that disturbs meaninglessness.

The Knight’s Codex
There is no chivalry in the crusade of nihilism. There were lots of knights, but less chivalry in the real crusades that unfolded in medieval Europe and Middle East in the great Clash of Civilizations, predating what we are witnessing today. Chivalry, the concept of chivalry, is far older than the Crusades. Just like the bogus neo-crusades of our time a hijacking of virtues took place in the middele ages. It was shouted out in recruiting campaigns: You are all sinners, but by making your Mounted skills available to the slaughter of infidels in Palestine, you can atone for all your sins at once.
The Crusades were the return of a much older phenomenon originating in pre-antique Babylon: the combination of Usura banking and demon cult personified by medieval most influential grouping: Templar Order. This order, this cult never worshipped The Christ but a demon called Baphometh. They had so many fighting men / knights, bankers, ships and accumulated hardcore values that they represented a supranational and unparalleled power factor. The order came after the Crusades under pressure and resurrected/morfed as the Jesuit Order, who again morphed on with an array of tentacles in a global control system: the Illuminated, the Revolutionaries, Masonic Lodges, the Zionists. We find them today in central banking interwoven with the descendants of the Venetians now called the Atlantic Globalists. They became, as Paul Gottfried call them: ‘the priesthood of the management class’.
The concept of chivalry was hi-jacket by crusade philosophy. Honorary concepts were politizised. Virtues were ideologized and pathologized. Today we know just a blunted or romanticized version of it.
Can we still find the concepts of chivalry and if so, where? I have found it in the Crusader’s infidel enemy: Islam. Or rather in the spiritual movement older than Islam, that invented a survival form inside Islamic culture domination: Sufism. The Sufi concept Futuwwa or heroic generosity is both a spiritual concept and the morality of a knight. Chivalry is The Way of the Sufi. For the dervish it means generosity extended to self-sacrifice; to give your life for a friend’s sake.
The philosophy comes from a book called The Book of Sufi Chivalry – Kitab al-Futuwwa, an important text of al-Sulami from the 10th century. It is a guide to the heroism of generosity, compassion, love, friendship, hospitality and right action based on these virtues as a means of spiritual development.
The knight is hard on himself and kind to others. The knight complies with a strict moral codex without insisting that others should adopt this disciplined lifestyle. If you want to assume this lifestyle, then you should do it, but do for God’s sake – and for others and your own sake – not boast of it and make others feel small by not assume the same strict self-discipline and set of opinions. Instead, let the people be inspired when they see the consequences and gains thereby. Thus one of the great Islamic theologians and Sufi philosophers al-Ghazali (Abū Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali, 1058-1111).
Spiritual chivalry is incompatible with the rule of tyranny. Chivalry shakes supremacy to its foundations. Chivalry and tyranny are diametrically opposed. Tyranny is a negation of chivalry. What is good becomes evil in tyrannical negation / government. What’s good for the tyrant is evil for the people.
Good and evil are also universal value-concepts that we should be careful though not afraid to use, because through their inclusiveness and universality they can be corrupted and by the redefinition of tyranny come to mean just the opposite. If tyranny as personified evil, The Evil, the Devil, Satan – we understand that the old created an image to be able ot talk about it – would hide most effectively, it would just be in the form of The Good. Hence the the saying: ‘the road to Hell is paved with good intentions’. It is seductive. Without a well-developed moral compass and an equally mature discernment, there is immediate confusion.
We live in times of maximum confusion, where many people have no moral compass and thus willing to be persuaded to think and do things, that they in a balanced, healthy human environment would never have thought of. We live in times without honor. People put no pride in thinking and acting in certain ways. They have taught themselves – with help from a hidden hand – to live in a state of dissonance and contradiction. The concept of duty has largely disappeared. Instead, we are talking about right, desire and freedom of choice – even when freedom of choice does not exist. The concept of responsibility has become tyranny language synonymous with stooping subservience and blind obedience to authority. Responsibility is then to do what you are being told and then re-spond, when asked: Have you paid taxes in due time, you have done your school work for tomorrow? Young computer gamers play Call of Duty, where they as virtual Black-Ops-US-Military-Clones are shooting down all who disobey the Empire. TV, media, Hollywood and the game industry have all submitted bids for the killing of moral and ethical duty.
When truth is the missing component of the good, the bad, the honor, the duty and the responsibility is missing the most important, without which all other concepts disintegrate. We become ships and boats without compass.
Define truth
Is not it difficult? Not at all. But it will be difficult, if truth does not already live in our world of experience. I can not feel it, ergo it does not exist. Or: It has not been on TV recently, ergo it does not exist.
Truth is brain with heart control. It is clarity of thought protected by a life-supporting element. The balance of masculine and femine qualities of life, where one set implies the other. Note: we are not talking about men’s and women’s qualities.
Therefore, it is not really difficult to assess whether there is truth in the outer phenomena or in human relations. It will be difficult if you leave to others to evaluate and disseminate their assessment, which you then without discernment copy-paste and spit out of your own mouth. It is in general difficult, if a meeting does not take place. In front of the television display, there never was a meeting. Not-Meeting apparently is systematized. TV audence never meets the politicians, the politicians never meet the TV audence (the citizen / the voter), journalists never meet terrorists, terrorist or politician never meet victims of terror. Some politicians meet regularly with terrorists, but that’s another story (eg: Senator McCain without scruples meets with the worst scumbags in the world and promise them lots of money and weapons). Pharmaceutical manufacturers never meet medicine wrecks, stock brokers never meet the the broken or the homeless, drone pilot meetings never descendants of the dead in the village, architects never meet the residents of neo-slums, food- and chemistry manufacturers never meet those who became sick and exhibits plenitudes of symptoms of chemical poisoning.
Removing the Meeting will remove the responsibility- and causality chain. Consider the other hand an event. Ask if it is life-enhancing. Rate the longer-term effects. Do not initially ask those who should be responsible. Just ask for what you see and what other with eyes in their heads seen. Then return to those who should have been responsible. Do not expect answers, and never accept answers that make no sense. Keep on asking, even if answers do not match.
You may see, on the contrary, people who thrive and people who have a real impact on their lives. Then there will be truth. You are seeing genuine sustainability (a currently loaded words also perverted with newspeak-ability), and congratulations! Knowing that the opposite of truth is a lie, which is never sustainable and self-propelled, but must be maintained every day 24/7/365.
What an enormous waste of resources are not included in the maintenance of a lie? I hardly dare think of it.
But actually, if you have learned to ask: Does this support Human Life and Natural Life? You will eventually find truth. It’s that simple! But mind you, simplicity is also under attack these days …
The Nothingness

In Michael Ende’s The Never Ending Story – the author is actually a philosopher who writes children’s books – the concept of Nothingness of is the negating principle that destroys The World. The principle is the principle known in physics as Entropy (thermo dynamics), the exploding then self destroying Universe, BigBang-physics, Darwinism and its ideological companion: Eugenics, the oil industrial paradigm, usura banking and eternal indebtedness In Ende’s story it is a sort of mythological entropic force that destroys imagination, creativity and fantasy.
The Never Ending Story has a Jungian, psychoanalytical angle to it. The authors case study is the protagonist of the story, the boy Balthazar Bux, caught in an identity crisis caused by a parent-child complex. He seeks refuge in his imagination, which lasts for a while due to its fabulous richness. But his amazing counter-reality at some point has to re-unite and be accountable to the ‘real’ reality. The story is a psychological-spiritual road movie.
Ende’s genius is that entropy, the destruction of the world called Nothingness, has a higher purpose. Both the reality and escape into fantasy was prodigal – or necessary. Un-reality necessitated the flight to the imagination, which enabled the Nothingness, which provoked the return to reality and the broken World. Thus the full circle. It is a Jungian-mythical healing model. Balthazars quest is the Knight’s quest, the quest of truth, the synchronization project of inner and outer reality. The quest starts in dissonance and ends in consonance. The Knights quest is not supposed to be a tragedy, but a comedy. Or rather: the Knights quest is an open quest. What’s it going to be: a tragedy or a comedy? Only if the Knight choses his need before his wants, he will fulfill his quest.
No one has described the Knights quest better than Joseph Campbell in his classic: ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’. The Knight is the Hero, the Hero is the Knight. The story is immortal because it is archetypal. We all must go that way if we do not betray our fate. Fate is a variety of creation, you will need to recognize why you created. You may not know that, if you are not familiar with old Norse language. Skæbne and Skabning mean Destity and Creature/Creation. You are created with a destiny, with purpose. Fulfill it and thrive, deny it and suffer.
Ridley Scott puts the concept of the Knight at play in his monumental movie Kingdom of Heaven. As Balthazar Bux in an adult version he puts his come-to-be-Knight-protagonist into a state of mess torn up with roots from his own land. The peculiarity and beauty of the film is its illumination of the Knight in the era of the Crusades. The opponents, he meets, turn out to be of the highest integrity. Islam maintains the concepts of honor and chivalry, while Christianity has long perverted them. Or rather: Christianity’s inner enemies committed treason against the ideals of Christianity and in the First Crusade Christianity became morally and factually the loser of the battle. The Knight, the young blacksmith from the Southern France, in the story does not deviate from his path and the codices of Knighthood, even when the dream of Jerusalem becomes Nothingness.

Subsequently and returned to his home town he chooses never to return. When the call comes – the start of the second crusade – he stands by his life as a blacksmith. He atoned himself and won his queen, thus he fulfilled his quest. If you have not seen the movie, this will not be a spoiler.
When Ridley Scott is best, he is in powers of incorporating the archetypal heroic narrative of human history. He succeeded in his early masterpiece Blade Runner. He succeeded in strange way in Alien 1. They almost succeeded in Gladiator. And he succeeds completely in the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’, which unfortunately has become a somehow overlooked film.