The Venetian curse
The world is experiencing a League of Cambrai moment right now.
There is a minute of silence, where one hears a shy voice in the second back row asking ‘This Cambrai thing, what is that?’

A little world history. In short, it was a league, an alliance of virtually all the European powers at the time – and we’re talking about the beginning of the 16th century, more precisely the years between 1508-16 – that had grown so tired of the Venetians’ manipulations and ability to to set everyone up against each other with intriguing diplomacy, warfare, hidden agendas, financial fraud you-name-it, that they decided to destroy this parasite and troublemaker once and for all.
It both succeeded and failed. It failed in the same way as treating a cancerous tumor by cutting it off. If it has previously metastasized over the rest of the body, the patient is doomed anyway.
The great powers that united against the Venetians were the Papacy with the initiator of the league, Pope Julius II, Louis XII of France, Maximillian I of the Holy Roman Empire (Germany), Ferdinand II of Aragon (Spain), in addition England, Scotland, Duchy of Milan-Florence, Duchy of Ferrara + the famous Swiss mercenaries. Another reason for the not unconditional success was internal rivalry between the super-egos in the super league – have you heard of it before?
If there should be a game bird out there who has played Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood on their console out there, you will know that the scene is set right here, incidentally with a prelude to Assassin’s Creed II, where part of the action takes place in Venice. It is, of course, a computer game, but a great deal of research has been put into the scenario and the historical figures who appear in it. In that case, you will also know that the Borgia, the rulers of Rome, were certainly not God’s best children, even though they also sat on God’s substitute throne at one point. Like any powerful family – one is tempted to say ‘mafia’ – had done both in the Roman Empire and in the Papal States.

Ironically, it was Julius (the Pope) of the genus della Rovere who at one point arrested Caesar of the genus Borgia – that is, Julius arrests Caesar! Do not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing as it is written. Italy has always been a schizophrenic power conglomeration.
Also interesting was the close connection between the ‘temple’, ie the cult, the church, the religion and the financial power. Here the roots go far back in the history of prehistoric Babylon. Historians have pointed to the landslide that occurred with the importation of the Roman Empire and later the liberation of all its Babylonian-Phoenician slaves. These ascended through the system and took it over slowly, so that at one time there were no longer people from the original Italian families in the Kingdom and later the Church, but descendants of slaves from Babylon and the vanished Phoenicia, Rome’s then greatest enemy, Carthage, which should be destroyed according to senator Scipio. It explains much of the Babylonian style found in Catholic symbolism and architecture.
The Venetians – in English Venetians, then try to say Phoenicians – were both Rome’s infiltrators / rulers and its hereditary enemies. The Venetian families today do not talk loudly about their family secrets, but there are compelling reasons to link them up with the Phoenicians. Consider the typical Phoenician architecture, with the extremely slender and elegant columns, the tall slender towers, the city’s commercial talents, its penchant for all kinds of metals incl. the nobles, its seafaring, its cunning diplomacy, which the Phoenicians learned in its handling of the fearsome neighbor, the warrior state of Assyria. If it’s not Phoenician, then I do not know …
If you scan the list of the Venetian Doges, it is the same quite a few families that go over and over again. It is a mafia structure, a revolving door, where soon one party is in power and then the other. What does it look like? It is similar to the party political system in the so-called ‘representative democracy’ we see in New Venice, first in England and later in the United States. It is similar to the two-party system we know from the Anglo-Saxon political systems that are also copied into our multi-party two-bloc political systems. One party-bloc is brought to power on faith and golden promises, and when people find out that politicians have lied and deceived, and then the other party comes to power on faith and golden promises and people’s naive trust – and a new team of politicians implements at least the policy of the first party!
Is this comparison not too thin or too sought after? Not at all, there just hasn’t been enough account of it, yet. But is it not strange that the City of London resembles the Serenissima Republica di Venezia with its banking system, its shell of an autonomy (state within the state), its enormous concentration of finance and power, and its intriguing and deeply criminal grip on global politics? We can add its location by the water. The Phoenician and later British Empire is a Maritime World Rule.
Compare with the 20-21st century United States. In one party formation, we see the same family, the deeply-deeply criminal and mafia-like Bush family, go over and over again. Prescott was an American goulash baron and lived high on the Nazi financial recovery. In fact, he was opportunistic in financing the Nazi party because they were undermining the German state, he and his friends on Wall Street believed. But Hitler turned his back on them and rebuilt a strong Germany, which was not the intention. George H. W. Bush was CIA chief and involved in a string of political assassinations, incl. JFK. George W. Bush was involved in 9/11, the Iraq war scam, the collaboration with the bin Laden family, the attack on the US Constitution via the Homeland Security Act and The Patriot Act, Guantanamo, with Far-Bush constantly whispering in his ears, Baby- Bush.
On the other hand, there is the Clinton family from the so-called ‘opposite’ party, deeply criminal and mafia-like, intimately involved in the transportation of cocaine heroin from South Central America via Mena, Arkansas, heavily fed up with the bank cartels. So, Bill made sure to abolish the Glass-Steagall Act, which paved the way for the carnage of predator capitalism on private bank accounts and the financial crisis of 2008. And now the juicers are trying, after an intermezzo with the politically correct half-negro Barack Obama and his 100 km in the hour of overtaking everything George Bush and the Neocon Gang started, driving one of the world’s most war-mongerous women, Hillary Clinton, into the position of new president! The poor stupid, confused American voters thus have the pseudo-choice between the Devil himself aka a clone of Al Capone in a suit and Lady Macbeth aka the lesbian, adrenachrome-abusing Babylonian whore and neo-con in disguise.

The Banksters
Back to the 16th century. Venice was a center of development for what we would today call double-entry bookkeeping. Venice developed the insurance industry – say the name Obama-Care, and you have pronounced the synonym for insurance fraud. Venice was not known for its commercial banking, but for its deposit banking. The mercantile banking system existed in Florence, which was not much better, because that is what we know today as monopoly capitalism. The Florentine bankers obtained concessions from the European princes so that they could settle on the trade and thus exclude other competing firms from this trade. As a monopoly capitalist would say to himself and his fellow men today: Fuck the free market! Free trade is today a new language term meaning the cartel-controlled market. These two types of Italian banking have created the world of neo-feudal debt slavery we know today.
What the Venetian bankers created, then, was a system that anticipated the times. When depositing, one did not have to weigh coins of more or less precious metal on a scale where the size of coins determined how much money was in circulation. The Venetians created the banknote system – a banknote is just a piece of paper that says there is a value somewhere out in the back room – and thus, without backing up real values, they could control the very sum of money. Venice created what is today known as the Central Banking System, which could at any time flood or empty the market nationally or globally simply by turning the knob on the machine that spat out banknotes, receipts for deposits.
No-need-to-say: today it happens digitally, which is the degree of abstraction in the 3rd power from real value.
Venice called itself a republic. As you know, Res Publica means the cause of the people. Therefore, the Venetian rulers had set up the associated scenes – we would today say big screens – for their subjects in the form of constitution, laws, senate, government agencies and councils. It looks like a republic, the cause of the people, but it was all theater. Behind the backdrop sat a very small group of ultra-rich families, and let’s just use the c-word to ward it off from the abuse that millions of ignorant and historically ignorant thugs have committed in the last 10 years: a conspiracy, an oligarchy, a plutocracy, a junta, whatever we call that kind of extra-parliamentarism, tyranny, dictatorship, gangster-banker rule, kleptocracy, politburo, … Enlightened autocracy is out of the question, because enlightened’ implies that the head of state has a genuine concern for his people, which the types we are talking about here did not have. They had their secret police who could arrest, without notice and legal basis. They had a bridge over the Grand Canal (canal, canalia unfriendly translated: the large rectum, the stench, the scifo was also unbearable at the time), the Bridge of Sighs, where political prisoners could be led directly into the doge’s palace and tortured. Something is rotten in the Serenissima Republic of Venice.

Interesting that the Venetian lion has wings
just like the Babylonian fabled animals.
If you study the state of the USA, you see exactly the same pattern. The highly acclaimed constitution, which was written in the 18th century, was corrupted in 1871. Today, parliamentarism is pure theater, and a mixture of ridiculous farces and perfidious tragedies are played on the stage of the theater. And if you think that kind of theater is probably an American phenomenon, you should study how EU parliamentarism, the United States of Europe works. In both institutions, the absence of actual morality is frightening. There are lots of hypocritical, postulated morals, ie. double standards and propaganda, but real morals are flushed out with bureaucracy.
In Venice they had the Council of Ten, in the EU they have the European Commission, the non-elected. Parliament are the elected representatives who do not decide anything but struggle daily through 20 new bills that the bureaucratic factory has produced. There are now 100,000 EU laws that few know but which send their legal smog across Europe every day. And then the EU Commission is not quite the picture of the Venetian Council, because the Commissioner’s system has still maintained the illusion of representation.
At the end of World War I, the Council of the 10 was set up – it must almost be considered a hidden mockery – in connection with the perfidious Treaty of Versailles, which was to forever smash Germany, the nation that had refused to obey the New Venice of the City of London. The treaty brought us, as it will be readers of this blog and thinking and historically conscious people familiar, World War II and everything miserable in the 90 years that followed. The two world wars brought eternal, unpaid debt, first to Germany – then to everyone else. Do not forget that England, too, was bankrupt after the war. Today, all people in the West are indebted to some degree.
The Temple
What is eternal debt, where does it come from? We can start by calling it The Church of Mammon. The eternal debt to the banking system is nothing but the dogma of original sin. Let us hear what one of the influential theologians of the Middle Ages has to say about it. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), explained it in his peculiar scholastic manner. The starting point is the idea of the Fall. In his famous treatise ‘Cur Deus Homo’, Why God Became Human, he writes at the beginning:
If one simply disregards Christ, as if nothing were known about him from the beginning, we must prove simply by pure reason why it was necessary for God to become man.

As a church-Aristotelian, it was not unusual for such pseudo-logical constructions. In addition to the treaty, Anselm also names the so-called Ontological Proof of God, ie that God must exist because he exists in the mind. If God existed only in the mind, it must be because there was a greater being both in the mind and in the Universe. But in this treaty it is worth noting, that he for the time being omits Christ in his argument. In the rest of the treaty, he describes the fall of man, forever replicated by the sin of every man, as an everlasting act, that is, in principle, an unforgivable act, because it offends the eternal, absolute God. A non-absolute, non-eternal being can never repay an absolute and eternal debt to an absolute and eternal being. So God has to pay the debt-the-guilt-sin himself. This debt can only be paid through death, and since God cannot die, he has to become human.
For a medieval scholar, this was logic. Today, it seems pretty twisted. And what else has it to do with banking? Note that the debt is eternal. There is no possibility of forgiveness, no debt restructuring, it is just a matter of creating balance in the accounting. The link to the central banking system, the Venetian concept, is that economists today pay homage to and practice this principle of eternal debt. They have theologized economic thinking – or economized theological thinking, whatever way you prefer. Like Anselm, they take Christ out of the picture, of course, but everyone still has an eternal debt. The debtor this time is: the banks. The banks have put themselves in the place of God and asserted their right as something absolute, which in theological understanding is: given by God, they are God’s chosen bankers and his deputies on Earth (so we described it with both Jewish and Catholic terminology).
Of course, we have to ask this twisted medieval logic that has survived as a banking system, IF there has ever been a debt / guilt / sin? Since there has been a need to twist the brain and logic so strongly, there may not be any logic at all. God may as well be a projection of the theologian’s self-understanding, God is created in the image of man, we could argue. Scholasticism had a certain ability to turn everything upside down and make it appear as common sense. But in the logic of theology, there is an original dogma that must be accepted, that must be digested so that everything else can be built on it. Something a priori – given in advance, in the beginning was the Word. Alselm knew that his time needed both the blind believers who in any case surrendered to their faith = not thinking, and the thinkers who needed something that spoke to and passivated their logic.
One could test the logic by asking: what honorable man would kill his own child to obtain forgiveness? God’s mindset is scaled down to human dimensions, as above, so below. Morality now appears, to say the least, astonishing! Incidentally, this doctrine found a foothold only in the Western Church, and was never allowed to enter the Eastern Church, the Orthodox Church. The schism between West and East is also found in theology and church formation. And when we saw the global conflicts roll out between the EU / US and Russia in Ukraine in the Obama era, something very old was at stake. The Orthodox Church is deeply rooted in the Slavic mindset. Bolshevism / Communism and its Judeo-Jahwist way of thinking never won the soul of the people, but only subdued it for a number of years.
The eschatology and the worship of the Revelation of Saint John / The Apocalypse are very carefully handled in the Eastern Church, they simply consider it dangerous. On the other hand, it is cultivated unchecked in war-torn evangelical church circles in the United States, where the Christian Zionists are also found.
The sacrifice is an inevitable product of Anselm’s thought of eternal and original sin / unpayable debt. Notice when the concept appears in political ‘sermons’ addressed to the people / congregation. ‘We must all make a sacrifice’, ‘We must put ourselves in the harness and tighten our belts’,‘ We must show responsibility, and … ‘,‘ We are all guilty of global warming, and therefore… ‘,’ We have long lived beyond ability, and because… ‘,’ The white man has done this-and-that against the rest of the world, and therefore… ‘. Austerity measures, budget cuts, guilt, shame, debt, deprivation, bail-outs, bail-ins, unemployment – there is no end to the sacrifice. Strangely enough, it is never the banks and the elite who have to make a sacrifice, because they do not live by the rules that they impose on everyone else.

In times past, the sacrificial priesthood existed, the animal sacrifices, the human sacrifices, the blood sacrifices. In Anselm’s idea of atonement, there is a divine-human blood sacrifice. By the way, ask why in the sacrament we eat the body of Christ and drink the blood of Christ. It is perhaps the good thing about Anselm – or a benign reading of him – that there can only be this one sacrifice, so that everyone else does not have to sacrifice. But if you talk to the Christian fundamentalists who cultivate revelation, it is clear that they are in fact looking forward to a return to the Old Testament, where animal and human sacrifices become relevant again. The jahwistic god demands that kind of sacrifice. He also demands slaves, which in the Old Testament are translated as servants of the Lord. He demands war, death and destruction of his enemies, the unbelievers. He demands chaos in the Middle East. He demands massacres in Gaza, he demands attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Mali. Yahweh is a god who requires a sacrifice.

The intimate connection between finance and religion, called The Temple, is a Babylonian concept. We still find it in the two testaments. At one point – you may remember from Sunday school – it is said that Jesus became angry with the merchants in the Temple in Jerusalem and drove them out with a scourge. This incident was not viewed with mild eyes by the Jews, for it was they, the shopkeepers and money changers, who hung out in the post-Babylonian institution, the Temple. The debt in this system became so large after a number of years that the indebted could no longer be drained for debt repayment. Then the debtors in the Temple had to arrange an anniversary, a collective debt restructuring, so that the debtors could start fresh and earn a new debt.
But in one of the great cultures of antiquity one does not find this intimate connection between finance and religion: Egypt. Here, too, we do not find this strange anniversary stunt. In Egyptian cosmology, on the other hand, we find the mindset that creation is eternal and innocent. There is no debt in Egyptian cosmology, for there is eternal abundance in the Universe. A physicist today who is in the chair and out of the box would describe it as inexhaustible energy from the quantum flux field. Guess who the Romans, the Babylonian heirs, and the Jews regarded as a despicable main enemy. The Romans were insanely jealous of Egypt. Anyone who has walked in the hypostele halls of the Egyptian temples knows what the Romans felt: This we have never produced, this is too great! And since nothing had to be greater than the emperor, who was God (for he said so himself), this Egyptian greatness was quite simply presumptuous.

But what does ancient Egypt have to do with the Venetians of the Renaissance? In addition to the Venetians’ intrigue, banking, corruption and other evils, they were also cultural figures. From 1460 to 1641, a stack of writings called the Corpus Hermeticum appeared. A monk named Pistoia brought 14 books to the Venetian prince Cosimo de Medici. They were written in Arabic, and the prince paid Marsilio Ficino to translate them into Latin. This was what we would today call Gnostic writings of Egyptian descent. We only later find something similar in the emergence of the scrolls of the Dead Sea or those from Nag Hammadi. They created a stir in Renaissance Italy and the rest of Europe, because here was a small part of the material that the Roman Christians / the Vatican had so thoroughly suppressed. A world of thought before Jahwist monotheism emerged, reminding Europeans of the Renaissance of the past, which they themselves had to sacrifice to satisfy the Empire.
Here one could read that the Christian dogmas and doctrines already existed in ancient Egypt. It was in itself subversive to the Church, which had claimed that they themselves had come up with it all as original material. A concept like the Trinity proved to be an Egyptian concept. The Virgin Mary and Christ already existed as Isis and Osiris. The words of Pater Noster ‘May your will be done on Earth as it happens in Heaven’ already existed in Hermes Trismegistus / Thoth as ‘As above, so below’. And so on. In other words, the intellectuals of the Renaissance found, in short, that Christianity was a plagiarism.
The Venetians claim they were there when the Huns ravaged Europe. They sided in the 700s against Emperor Charlemagne when he fought the Byzantines. They saw themselves then as part of the Orient and not Europe, and it is not difficult to recognize Byzantine building style in Venice. But in the course of the Third Crusade, they have turned 180˚ and are financing a conquest of Byzantium. They had persuaded a stack of French knights by telling them to conquer Jerusalem, but steered them toward Constantinople instead. The characteristic deceptive war diplomacy was fully in place here.
They tried in the following centuries to conquer all of Italy, but did not really succeed. Their geopolitical strategy was the same that the British successfully used to smash Europe on several occasions, for example in two world wars: alliance with the second strongest power against the strongest and at the same time weakening their own allies. They played with treacherous Venetian diplomacy France, Germany and Russia against each other. And then we are back to the Battle of Agnadello in 1509, when the French army wiped out the Venetian. As Machiavelli wrote in The Prince: They lost in one day what it had taken them 800 years to conquer.

Here then began Venice metastasis, the spread of this cancer to other bodies, nations, cities. Their doctrines, their banking, their diplomacy – their corruption. Frenchmen create a Venetian party. The Dutch did the same and then the English and the Scots. It is through the Venetian sponsorship that England succeeds in becoming the dominant Empire for 300 years. Benjamin Disraeli, several times prime minister in the 19th century, writes explicitly: The Venetian system was exported, the English king was nothing but the Venetian doge in disguise, and the English constitution is a plagiarism of the Venetian. The Wigs, super-rich oligarchs, ran such a system between 1688 and 1832.
The Venetians were Protestants. They in fact sponsored the Reformation and Martin Luther. One might instead say that they were anti-Catholic and anti-Vatican. They did not like the Austrians and the Bavarians – does that remind us of something that happened in connection with two world wars? One can think a lot about the Vatican City State, but it was actually the Protestants / Venetians who were the winning side for three centuries. The mythology originates from the Europe of the Thirty Years’ War, where the Protestants were by definition ‘the good ones’ because they fought Satan’s chair in Rome ‘(a word gem from Danish psalmist, theologist and priest Grundtvig’s hymn-opus). There is no good and evil in the real world, it is a Manichean, polarized worldview. There are dominant and non-dominant, and the former have the right to call the others ‘the bad guys’ and themselves the ‘good guys’.
What are the characteristics of the Venetians? Others may think that it is aristocrats, demagogues, democrats, generals or priests who should rule the world, but the Venetians believed that it was the oligarchs who had the right to rule: the richest, the most cunning, the most intriguing, the most cynical were thus ‘the best’ – oli-garkes. It is bankers, financiers who correspond to this description.
In the Yeltsin era in Russia right after the fall of the Soviet State and the Iron Curtain, there was even a group of finance and banking princes who moved forward and even called themselves oligarchs. So it was they who kicked Vladimir Putin in a certain body part, after which they subsequently spat money in the colored revolutions and the fascist coup in Ukraine? In wonderful alliance with the American neo-cons.
The ECB, the European Central Bank, is a genuine oligarchic institution. In the United States, there is complete oligarchy. Politicians are paid by rich financial funds, Jewish and non-Jewish, and the poor no longer have a voice in Parliament. Oh-no, not the Jews again! Oh-yes. Phoenician was a Semitic language, Lebanon was the Phoenician core area, and parasitic banking is, sorry to say, both a Venetian and a Jewish specialty. The Merchant in Venice, is it not a pity for him and his pound of pork? Shakespeare begins by systematizing the role of victim. Who was this Shakespeare by the way (17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere). Venetians – Venus worshipers. They were ancient expert sailors, and the stars were of paramount importance.
Where does the whole geopolitical concept come from? It comes from the fact that Venice was a rich but weak state. They were a fat plum ready to pick. So the only way they could survive was to play people, rulers, governments and nations against each other. It is called with a special euphemism for diplomacy or ambassadorial activity. The Venetian diplomats and ambassadors were nothing but spies for Venice.
It is from the Venetians that the British and Americans have what can best be characterized as Rule by Secrecy (Jim Marrs). A great expression, because it says that the shopkeeper and the spy are one and the same person! A Secretary of State is someone who keeps the secrets of the state. If you are looking for the root of modern Freemasonry and the secret societies, which in the British world in particular, but also the French, Italian and Russian, have been incubators for everything that should be kept away from parliaments and popular attention, you should look for it in Venice .

Take for example a legendary person like Cassanova. He was a Venetian agent operating primarily in France. The piquant stories around him were just a cover-up, for what he was doing was weakening the French so that the British were strengthened. And what can weaken a Frenchman more than sex?
The Protestant Revolution
In the Cambrail League, at one point, 100,000 German countrymen were on hold north of the Alps, waiting to be sent south to smash Venice. The Venetians were in deep crisis, and their speculative brains were running in top gear to come up with something that could create rifts into the enemy camp. It can easily be overlooked that Luther’s spiritual war against the papacy took place right in the middle of the League of Cambrai. Luther created a radical religious conflict in Germany, exactly what the Venetians needed.
The Venetians were not Christians. Like their Babylonian ancestry, the state was their religion. They worshiped the State, the State was their god. ‘First Venetians, then Christians’. Interesting, that Mussolinis fascism had the the same premise: There is nothing above the State.
When the fanatical Dominican monk Girolamo Savonarola appeared in Florence and proclaimed that he would reform the city following the Venetian model, it did not fall into place. He introduced an ascetic dictatorship into the city. He agreed to throw all the city’s renaissance treasures in a large pile and burn them off. It evokes memories of the Puritanism of the Reformation and Calvinism in Geneva and their iconoclasm. He called it the ‘bonfire of vanity’. He was just one of the doomsday prophets that the Venetians sent to the streets to stand and shout that ‘the end was near’, that people might be frightened and cry out for help.

Martin Luther’s chief protectors were a person named George Spalatin named synonymously with the town of Spalt. Very appropriate, for the church was split (German spalt means split) and weakened by the Reformation. It was Spalatin, whose real last name was Burchardt, who had infiltrated the Venetian network. The Protestant Reformation bears a Venetian geopolitical fingerprint and thus also acquires the character of an operation with an intelligence service in the background. Among other things, Luther was to destroy and divide the influence of more peace-loving and unifying men, such as Erasmus of Rotterdam.
Luther enthusiastically describes in his biography a particularly mysterious experience he had in a monastery tower, where he realized that salvation did not come from good works, but from pure grace from God. It simply turns out that he had copied a similar experience that the Venetian scholar, diplomat and cardinal, Gasparo Contarini, had described a few years before. Luther thus plagiarized Contarini. Shortly thereafter, one of the leading Venetian publishers, the leading Venetian publisher, decided to support Luther. How convenient. Later, Luther slipped out of the Venetians’ focus in favor of Calvin, as he was more warlike in his theology. Religion as a weapon of mass destruction.

The Venetians held their position of power until 1797, when they were destroyed by Napoleon. 100 years after Contarini, the oligarch, Paolo Sarpi, was in the lead. He and his wide-spread European network played a significant role in implementing the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648. It started in Prague in the early 17th century. Sarpi’s geopolitical strategy was based on a staged apocalyptic conflict between the Vatican, the French and the Austrians. The war had a Bohemian phase, a Danish phase, a Swedish phase and a French phase.

The outcome of the Thirty Years’ War was horrible. Between a third and a half of ALL the inhabitants of Central Europe perished! But the Venetians survived by putting everyone else to slaughter each other. When you are busy, you do not discover the hidden hand.
The Venetians’ view of religion was, that it was subject to the state. They thought the same as the Byzantines. The Emperor was chief in relation to the Patriarch, the church was a tool of the state. In the West, the church and the state fought each other, but among the Venetians, one sat on top of the other. When one observes today the American Deep State neo-cons managing the decay of the American state – as they know come, they have studied the decay of the Venetians – it also happens by using religion as a tool. Hence George Bush’s flowery quotes from the Revelation about Armageddon and Gog and Magog and ‘if you are not with us, you are with the terrorists’. Barack Obama enhanced it to capture leftwingers. Donald Trump broke the circle. Joe Biden’s backstage crew now desperately tries to regain the broken.
It is reminiscent of the way in which one of the most recent English kings – whom Disraeli called Doges in disguise – Edward VII – networked himself to provoke World War I via the European Masonic lodges – whose modern origins were Venice. His geopolitical tactics were exactly the same: use the second strongest power on the continent to smash the strongest, thereby also smashing itself. And left alone strengthened stands the intriguer. Venetian strategy in both cases. Edward, Queen Victoria’s son, also orchestrated the Crimean War, the Opium Wars and the Russo-Japanese War.

Religion is like Carnival in Venice, it’s something you take on. We find a description of an occult Venetian carnival in a scene from Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’, in which the protagonist strays into a mansion. Everyone is dressed in black robes and wearing masks.
The Venetian oligarchs and their masked agencies called themselves the ‘Black Venetians’. When the oligarchy metastasized and spread its centers of power and finance throughout Europe, they first settled in Amsterdam. They created the great Amsterdam Bank and the Dutch East India Company. The British Stuarts fell under their sponsorship = control. The Hanoverians, a Venetian family, also called the House of Orange, were imported to England and dominated the country since William III. Henry VIII, this charming figure, under the influence of the Venetian henchman Cromwell, an even more charming figure, opened the doors to the strangers. The control system was debt. Debt requires repayment. In the 16th century, with the help of the Venetian Party and a British national debt, England was transformed into a police state with political terror, just like Venice. In the following 100 years, the pirate, usury and slave-trading British Empire emerged.

Two of the ‘Venetian’ English kings, both Hanoverians / from the House of Orange, were William III and George Louis I. When the first invaded England, he called it ‘The Brilliant Revolution’, hardly a particularly apt word for a coup.
It is from these times that we have, what we take for granted today: the stock market, the navy, the world conflicts, the British Empire, the great universities, the rise of the merchant class. And there was no question of a group just intruding and secretly infiltrating society. It created society and its infrastructures, for that was what they had been doing since the dawn of time. Venice was just a stopover for them too. Before that time, there was the crown on one side and the church on the other. Thereafter, they were both part of a kind of mega-corporation run by people who were billionaires from Day One.

William III died in 1707, and his wife’s sister, Anne, became queen, the last Stuart. Then, with George I, it was Hanoverians, Habsburgs and Hessians aka the German ‘black nobilities’. And another dominant family, the banking dynasty Rothschild, was the Jewish element. Or rather the Khazarian Mafia element.
Queen Victoria, Empress of India, was of the Guelfer family, a Venetian family. The British royal family, the so-called Windsors, consists of the Guelphs as well as Saxe-Coburg, Battenburg (Mountbatten) and Boers-Lyon. Several members of the families could only speak broken English, so one had to give them a British name to make them salable. Their immense riches is earned from piracy, the slave trade and the opium trade are intact today.

This seems to be a never ending story. So back to the introductory statement: The world is experiencing a League of Cambrai Moment right now. Perhaps you, like me, understand more of the historical thread, after this long and somewhat tortuous search. The Venetians 5.0 have today ended up in a place where they can not move further away. From their power base in a kind of two-part Venice, the old and the new Empire, England and the United States, they are once again squeezed into a corner. The whole world hates them, including those who lick them in the ass (one never learns to love the taste of shit).
A modern League of Cambrai is gathering against them. But they can no longer metastasize because they have infected all the host animals and these are becoming resistant.