• Essayism,  Poetry

    God and other trivia

    The childhood faith You lost the childhood faith, my friend.Is not that what we all did – back then?One day, the cartoon pictures, the fat baby angel with toy trumpets and Santa Claus were no longer credible, and then they…

  • Essayism,  History,  Philosophy


    Possession – what do we think?Do we get the association of our earthly possession, ownership or maybe stolen goods?Or do we come to think of the kind of obsession / possession we have seen in movies like The Exorcist, a…

  • Economy,  Essayism,  Politics


    There is a country that has been and still is ruled by the mafia. It is one among many, but the size and significance means, that we have to deal with it. You had guessed what we’re talking about: the…

  • Essayism,  History,  Politics

    Nobels peace price – a joke

    One would think that an international peace prize was intended for people who had seriously accomplished something for world peace. In other words, excellent people whose intentions and achievements were in beautiful harmony with each other, and who had brought…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History

    The Black Pope

    Let’s talk/write about faith, religion and GOD. Is it because the undersigned poetic essayist and commentator is professing and believing? It’s not that simple. I occasionally wear a gold cross around my neck. I switch to Thor’s hammer when I…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Philosophy

    The Cult

    It used to mean something else. The word CULT. Something other than what we understand by cult today. We live in times when old concepts undergo a perversion. Like the word myth. Once it meant epic world explanation, storytelling, today it implies…

  • Essayism,  History,  Politics

    The Communist Manifesto

    … and why today more than ever we need to understand a seemingly discarded manifesto * from 1848 * Manifesto:A formulation of an intention aboutmanifesting = to bring to reality. The formulation, the manifesto from 1848, which was later to…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  Politics

    Battlefield Internet

    We have seen ugly things in our time. But have we seen the worst yet? It might get really ugly soon. The lizard spawn is still active, even though the dragon’s head has been chopped off, and for the first…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Philosophy

    The Protocols

    The introduction In the 1920s, the world saw a document that outraged in several ways. That parted the waters. As you know, the Empire is very fond of divided waters, when only the waters flow among their subjects and separate them.…

  • Art,  Essayism,  Philosophy,  Science

    In the beginning was sound

    This is an examination of the secrets behind frequencies seen in a musical perspective. Let’s start with a postulate. The six tones in the scale have a particularly universal frequency. This frequency is not relative, but absolute. Disclaimer:I already hear…

  • Culture,  Essayism


    Feminist ideology has tried – and unfortunately with some success – to convince the world that masculinity is toxic and that men should therefore be mentally amputated in a feminine direction and women the opposite. Because then we will probably…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Politics

    The City of the Dead

    Years ago, I had the privilege of being a first-row spectator on the floor of the global-experimental project for a few years. From a windswept roof-over-head view in an allotment district, I looked into one of the mini-metropolis of Copenhagen’s…

  • Essayism,  History

    Skulls, bones and pirates

    ”What are you waving out of the trunk of the bike cart, Little Joey?’< ‘It’s a real pirate flag, and it’s weely cool!’ Little Joeys father thinks so too. He’s a hipster, and he wears his trendy black T-shirt with…

  • Essayism

    The 76 logical fallacies

    Logic Is the second step in the problem-solving three-part syntax called Trivium. It is part of the syntax of actual thinking. If thinking is to take place, you have to work out your general grammar, which consists of asking what, who,…

  • Culture,  Essayism

    Dictionary of NewSpeak

    Definition of New Speak:A term for words that mean something else and in some cases the exact opposite of the original meaning of the word. New Speak was described by George Orwell in his famous book 1984 as being the ultimate language…

  • Art,  Essayism,  History,  Philosophy

    Chivalry – truth and nothingness

    We live in times where universal human values and concepts able to describe them are vanishing. Often they seem lost or so changed in their core, that they are no longer adequate. In some cases values and concepts are so exposed to scorn, censorship, condemnation or attacked…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Psychology


    What is the problem with the practice of magic? The answer may be simple and obvious. The Church Fathers had an answer that is worth meditating on. It is largely the same answer that we find in the Indian yogic…

  • Essayism,  Politics

    If I was a terrorist

    If I was a terrorist Then I would as the first go down to the equipment store and get myself a disguise so I could play the role of the people’s benefactor, its nice uncle, the philanthropist, the democrat, the…

  • Essayism,  History

    Darwin debunk

    Fossils make very little sense as presented in the Darwinian context.Darwinism has nothing resembling a direct demonstration of theory such as physics. Darwinists claim without hardcore evidence that evolution is based on chance and natural selection.David Berlinski Biological objections In…